About Barry Roberts. Production, Design & Art Direction.
Born and raised in South East London. When asked by the school career's advisor what he would like to do? "Whatever pays the most!" was the answer. So he then wasted the next few years studying finance and accountancy. And in the process learning what he definitely didn't want to do.
Then finally ended up working in London's jewellery industry completely by chance. Eventually establishing his own brand, Roberts & Co. And you can find out more about that story on the Roberts & Co website.
Roberts & Co launched in 2007. Social media was really only just getting started. And what was supposed to be the jewellery companies blog became a YouTube channel about its owners weekends in London. Then after gaining thousands of follows had to be spun off into an entirely separate project. Roberts London also became an Amazon Prime show. And you can find out more about that story on the Roberts London website.
Roberts & Co and Roberts London are both continuing to gain a wider global following. And we are excited about our latest projects.
So check out our current projects. And for the latest news connect with our social media